hello -> world
x: I'm a Mac
y: And I'm a PC
x -> y: gazoontite
im a shape
i'm a shape
donut: { shape: circle }
database.shape: cylinder
you: {
shape: person
dogs -> cats -> mice: chase
replica 1 <-> replica 2
a -> b: To err is human, to moo bovine {
source-arrowhead: 1
target-arrowhead: * {
shape: diamond
good chips: {
bad chips.lays
bad chips.pringles
explanation: |md
# I can do headers
- lists
- lists
And other normal markdown stuff
plankton -> formula: will steal
formula: {
equation: |latex
\lim_{h \rightarrow 0 } \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}
explanation: |go
awsSession := From(c.Request.Context())
client := s3.New(awsSession)
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(c.Request.Context(), AWS_TIMEOUT)
defer cancelFn()
my network: {
icon: https://icons.terrastruct.com/infra/019-network.svg
github: {
shape: image
icon: https://icons.terrastruct.com/dev/github.svg
costumes: {
shape: sql_table
id: int {constraint: primary_key}
silliness: int
monster: int
last_updated: timestamp
monsters: {
shape: sql_table
id: int {constraint: primary_key}
movie: string
weight: int
last_updated: timestamp
costumes.monster -> monsters.id
D2 Parser: {
shape: class
+reader: io.RuneReader
# Default visibility is + so no need to specify.
readerPos: d2ast.Position
# Private field.
-lookahead: "[]rune"
# Escape the # to prevent being parsed as comment
#lookaheadPos: d2ast.Position
# Or just wrap in quotes
"#peekn(n int)": (s string, eof bool)
+peek(): (r rune, eof bool)
shape: sequence_diagram
alice -> bob: What does it mean\nto be well-adjusted?
bob -> alice: The ability to play bridge or\ngolf as if they were games.
x: {
style: {
stroke: "#53C0D8"
stroke-width: 5
shadow: true
y: {
style: {
opacity: 0.6
fill: red
3d: true
stroke: black
x -> y: {
style: {
stroke: green
opacity: 0.5
stroke-width: 2
stroke-dash: 5
direction: right
x -> y -> z: onwards!
title: Hello Friends {
near: top-center
shape: text
style: {
font-size: 29
bold: true
underline: true
x -> y
x: { tooltip: Total abstinence is easier than perfect moderation }
y: { tooltip: I can't make my satellite dish PAYMENTS! }
x -> y
x: I'm a Mac {
link: https://apple.com
y: And I'm a PC {
link: https://microsoft.com
x -> y: gazoontite
style: {
fill: Beige
stroke: DarkBlue
stroke-width: 8
double-border: true
fill-pattern: lines
report: |md
# Report card
- Computer science: B
- Diagram making: A+
classes: {
shiny orb: {
label: ""
shape: circle
width: 40
style: {
fill: yellow
shadow: true
x.class: shiny orb
y.class: shiny orb
z.class: shiny orb
grid-rows: 2
The American Government.width: 400
vars: {
name: Joe
colors: {
primary: "#065535"
customer: ${name}
customer.style.fill: ${primary}
*.style.fill: yellow
x -> *